The goal for this project is to raise awareness of children’s issues with candidates and the public. Specifically, the Every Child Matters Education Fund will conduct a non-partisan, two-year initiative to interject children and family issues into the next presidential campaign. Presidential campaigns provide an opportunity to initiate broad public debate about issues facing the nation, among them the well-defined needs of children, youth, and families. In 2007, the grantees plan to conduct field operations in Iowa and Nevada, which have the earliest caucuses, and New Hampshire and South Carolina, which have the earliest primaries. In 2008, they will broaden their focus to reach candidates and members of the voting public across the country. This broader effort will include the creation and regular maintenance of a website, production of voter education information including surveys of candidate’s positions on children’s issues and get-out-the-vote materials, and candidate forums.
The goal for this project is to raise awareness of children’s issues with candidates and the public.