In this issue

“Research can contribute to better child outcomes, but waiting for ideas and findings from research to make their way onto the desks of decision-makers is a flawed approach. We need strategies that intentionally nurture conditions that support the use of …
Doing better by children: Studying ways to fully leverage ideas and findings from research
“I think all researchers who produce research to improve youth outcomes should think about the ways that their research can be taken up and used. Who are these findings meant for and who are the decision-makers that would benefit from …
Studying the use of research evidence: In conversation with Program Officer Anupreet Sidhu
“Our goal as a grantmaker is not merely to fund high-quality research studies, but to shape the environment for research and its relationship to policy and practice. The Institutional Challenge Grant is central to this strategy.”
Community-engaged research to reduce inequality: The Institutional Challenge Grant
“Collaborating with our partners, we’ve crafted a vision of the world where marginalized and disadvantaged members of society feel seen, heard, understood, and prioritized.”
Interview with an Institutional Challenge Grantee: How can you support community-engaged scholarship within an academic discipline?
“As our grant comes to a close, we are reflecting on the evolution of our research-practice partnership and our plans for the future. We have launched efforts to broaden our networks of engaged researchers and research-informed practitioners within our respective …
Sustainable change: Reflections on the inaugural Institutional Challenge Grant

More Digest Issues

The Digest

Issue 10: Winter 2024-25

The newest William T. Grant Foundation Digest features an updated look at the the Foundation’s longtime commitment to career development for early-career researchers, as well as new thinking about ways that research on social movements can advance efforts to reduce inequality in youth outcomes. Senior Vice President Kim DuMont also outlines opportunities for studies on improving higher education administrators’ use of research evidence in ways that promote student well-being and success.

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