In this issue

Research can play a vital role in pointing policymakers, civil society, and communities toward a stronger, more sustainable, and just world. But getting there means building on what we know about what it takes for research to be useful, used, …
Research on Research Use: Building Theory, Empirical Evidence, and a Global Field
Former William T. Grant Scholar Mesmin Destin is an associate professor at Northwestern University in the Department of Psychology and the School of Education & Social Policy. Rob Smith is a research grantee and professor of sociology, immigration studies, and public …
Contending with Complexity: How Two Grantees are Approaching Studies of Mechanisms
Although many of today’s disparities have their roots in policies or actions initiated generations ago, there is much we can do today. And new research on causal mechanisms can …
Opening the Black Box: Overcoming Obstacles to Studying Causal Mechanisms in Research on Reducing Inequality
Introducing an open, centralized resource to help strengthen methods and enable greater collaboration among researchers studying the use of research evidence in policy and practice.
Strengthening Methods and Improving Collaboration: The Use of Research Evidence Methods Repository

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The Digest

Issue 10: Winter 2024-25

The newest William T. Grant Foundation Digest features an updated look at the the Foundation’s longtime commitment to career development for early-career researchers, as well as new thinking about ways that research on social movements can advance efforts to reduce inequality in youth outcomes. Senior Vice President Kim DuMont also outlines opportunities for studies on improving higher education administrators’ use of research evidence in ways that promote student well-being and success.

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