In this issue

The fields of implementation science and the study of research use in policy and practice travel on many of the same roads and share similar goals, chief among which is …
Learning Across Contexts: Bringing Together Research on Research Use and Implementation Science
Today, as the pandemic recedes, its effects are still with us, in education as well as in other domains. We have considerable knowledge about how to respond to growing inequality, …
Reducing Educational Inequality After the COVID-19 Pandemic: What Do We Know, and What Research Do We Need?
Whether framed as a problem of practice or research use, understanding implementation is critical for identifying and redressing the inequitable distribution of resources, facilitators, and barriers in our systems, which give rise to disparities in student outcomes.
Building Evidence Systems to Integrate Implementation Research and Practice in Education
As the effects of COVID linger on, researchers have a crucial role to play in cataloging them. Even more important, by developing knowledge about exactly who is affected and how, researchers can provide evidence that points the way toward successful …
Emergency Exits: Avenues for New Research to Improve Youth Outcomes After COVID

More Digest Issues

The Digest

Issue 10: Winter 2024-25

The newest William T. Grant Foundation Digest features an updated look at the the Foundation’s longtime commitment to career development for early-career researchers, as well as new thinking about ways that research on social movements can advance efforts to reduce inequality in youth outcomes. Senior Vice President Kim DuMont also outlines opportunities for studies on improving higher education administrators’ use of research evidence in ways that promote student well-being and success.

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