Recently Awarded Grants

Does utilizing a Discrete Event Simulation (DES) model improve the local relevance and use of research evidence for school-based mental health decision-making?
How do clinical supervisory decisions improve the use of research evidence in mental health treatment activities and youth mental health outcomes?
Does using a multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) process with varying levels of support improve decision-makers’ use of research evidence as they allocate opioid settlement funds to benefit youth?
What has been the impact of Family Impact Seminars on the use of research evidence by state legislatures for policies related to children and families?
How can routines, tools, and practices improve the use of research evidence in state budgeting practices relevant to children?
Does an embedded boundary spanner increase the use of research evidence when compared to an informal boundary spanner in an education research-practice partnership?
How does an equity-centered research practice partnership navigate issues of race and power and influence research use to inform decision-making on school discipline policies and practices?
2024 – 2026
In what ways does an intentional approach to routinize the use of research evidence become embedded within data-driven practices in school districts to better support science instruction?
2023 – 2025
How does engagement in a research-practice partnership improve the use of research by state education agency staff? Does participation in the partnership support state education leaders to shift policy development from a focus on compliance to a focus on social ...
Does a light-touch intervention to connect county legislators with research and researchers improve their use of research evidence?
2022 – 2024
Can training and coaching contribute to the development of trusting relationships between agency leadership and staff and their community partners? And to what extent do those relationships improve the use of evidence in decision-making and implementation of evidence-informed initiatives in ...
How can research-practice partnerships use research in ways that forward anti-racism understanding and action within K-12 schools?

From the Digest

“I think all researchers who produce research to improve youth outcomes should think about the ways that their research can be taken up and used. Who are these findings meant for and who are the decision-makers that would benefit ...
Studying the use of research evidence: In conversation with Program Officer Anupreet Sidhu
“Research can contribute to better child outcomes, but waiting for ideas and findings from research to make their way onto the desks of decision-makers is a flawed approach. We need strategies that intentionally nurture conditions that support the use ...
Doing better by children: Studying ways to fully leverage ideas and findings from research
The fields of implementation science and the study of research use in policy and practice travel on many of the same roads and share similar goals, chief among which is ...
Learning Across Contexts: Bringing Together Research on Research Use and Implementation Science
Whether framed as a problem of practice or research use, understanding implementation is critical for identifying and redressing the inequitable distribution of resources, facilitators, and barriers in our systems, which give rise to disparities in student outcomes.
Building Evidence Systems to Integrate Implementation Research and Practice in Education
Research can play a vital role in pointing policymakers, civil society, and communities toward a stronger, more sustainable, and just world. But getting there means building on what we know about what it takes for research to be useful, used, ...
Research on Research Use: Building Theory, Empirical Evidence, and a Global Field
Introducing an open, centralized resource to help strengthen methods and enable greater collaboration among researchers studying the use of research evidence in policy and practice.
Strengthening Methods and Improving Collaboration: The Use of Research Evidence Methods Repository

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