In this issue

The goal may be to fund high-quality research, but we should never lose sight of the people carrying out the work and how securing funding fits within the larger context of their careers.
Career Development at the Foundation: Keeping Sight of the People Carrying Out the Work
As we face increasing restrictions on our society’s most vulnerable youth, including youth of color, undocumented and immigrant youth, and LGBTQ+ youth, social movement research holds significant potential to illuminate strategies to transform youth-serving systems and improve youth lives.
Conducting Research on Social Movements to Challenge and Change Youth-Serving Systems
Research that works to identify youth social movement participation and understand its connection to social movement outcomes has the chance to bring great research gains that may help address some of the most pressing inequalities facing young people today.
Young People as Beneficiaries or Agents of Change
Findings from research studies can provide decision-makers direction on how to enhance student mental health; create high-quality, inclusive learning environments; and transition students into and beyond post-secondary settings.
Studying Beneficial Uses of Research Evidence in Higher Education

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The Digest

Issue 09: Winter 2023-24

The ninth issue of the Digest features an update on the Institutional Challenge Grant program five years after its launch, with insights from a Foundation stock-taking effort and reflections from two grantee teams. We also share new thinking on the use of research evidence, including ways for researchers to leverage existing findings to bolster studies of effective strategies to improve research use.

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