Minds Matter of New York City provides tutoring, mentoring, and test preparation services to low-income, high achieving high school students to ensure college acceptance and graduation. Minds Matter wants to improve its writing, critical thinking, and test preparation curricula. These curricula contain duplicate elements, do not cultivate sequential learning from year to year, lack cultural competency, and do not align with the new 2016 SAT. Minds Matter proposes to hire consultants, who are New York City teachers with extensive experience working with low-income and immigrant youth, to create new curricula. The consultants will work with staff to create sequential program modules that integrate more cultural competency, address the needs raised by the new SAT, and enhance the writing module. The consultants will also train the volunteers who provide direct service to participants.
This grant will support the development of culturally sensitive curricula that integrate sequential learning to better prepare participants for the new SAT.