
Reducing Inequality Initiative – Grantee Meeting & Support

This grant will support the first convening of grantees under the Foundation’s reducing inequality initiative.

This convening will take place in Fall 2017, and will bring together research grantees and William T. Grant Scholars focusing on reducing inequality in youth outcomes, as well as a selection of research grantees from other areas whose work intersects with and is relevant to this focus area. The meeting will create a supportive learning community to build grantees’ capacities to conduct their research, expand their professional networks, and increase the reach of their work in reducing inequality in youth outcomes. As of March 2017, the Foundation had funded 28 major research grants focused on reducing inequality in youth outcomes. About 75 participants are expected to attend. Kristin Romens and her team at The Learning Agenda will organize and administer the convening. This process involves setting an agenda based on grantees’ needs, inviting participants, arranging and prepping speakers, and coordinating logistics.

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