
The Role of Research in Enhancing Family Planning and Pregnancy Prevention for Teens

Jennifer Barber is a successful, mid-career academic in the field of adolescent reproductive health and pregnancy prevention. She wants her research to have greater influence on programs and services for young women. To that end, Barber designed a Fellowship experience that will help her gain a strong understanding of the challenges faced by clinicians, clinic administrators, and prevention services administrators who provide services to teens and young adults.

Jennifer Barber is a successful, mid-career academic in the field of adolescent reproductive health and pregnancy prevention. She wants her research to have greater influence on programs and services for young women. To that end, Barber designed a Fellowship experience that will help her gain a strong understanding of the challenges faced by clinicians, clinic administrators, and prevention services administrators who provide services to teens and young adults. She plans to spend approximately 28 percent time over two years at two sites, Planned Parenthood (PP) Mid and South Michigan and Teen H.Y.P.E., a community-based organization in Detroit that focuses on teen pregnancy prevention. . Under the direction of her PP mentor, Melissa Steuber, Barber will participate in the daily activities of both administrators and clinicians. At Teen H.Y.P.E., Barber will work directly with administrators and with the teens themselves as they use theater to encourage youth to avoid teen pregnancy.

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