
Community Foundation Opportunity Network

This grant will support a two-year membership in the Community Foundation Opportunity Network (CFON).

The Community Foundation Opportunity Network (CFON) comprises 40 regional foundations from across the United States, all of which are committed to narrowing the opportunity gap faced by youth of low- and moderate-income backgrounds. Among the Network’s advisors is Robert Putnam, whose Foundation-supported working groups outlined community-based solutions to narrow the opportunity gap. The central objectives of the CFON are to build awareness of community-based solutions to narrow the opportunity gap and to serve as a national hub for stakeholders engaged in these efforts. The Network aims to build coalitions between researchers, policymakers, and community stakeholders; develop and advance the solutions put forth by Putnam’s working groups; and engage in advocacy efforts for public policy reforms at the state and local levels. As a national hub, the CFON will bring together relevant stakeholders, including funders, policymakers, and social change institutions; host convenings centered on efforts to reduce the opportunity gap; mobilize individuals and organizations to communicate specific community-based efforts to media and policymakers; and engage in advocacy efforts for federal policy reforms.

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