
Reducing Inequality Initiative – 2019 Grantee Meeting & Support

This grant will support the third annual convening of grantees in the Foundation’s focus area on reducing inequality, which was launched in February 2014.

The reducing inequality convening will cultivate a learning community designed to support the capacity of grantees to conduct their research, expand their networks across disciplines and fields, and increase the reach of their work to reduce inequality in youth outcomes. It will bring together grantees, relevant policy actors, and external speakers. The convening will extend and deepen conversations around focal themes that have been identified by grantees, Board members, and senior program staff, including: 1) making the shift from understanding inequality to reducing inequality; 2) reducing inequality at the macrosocial level while pursuing research at the microsocial level; 3) working across systems to reduce inequality; 4) testing and improving responses to inequality; 5) exploring the value of mixed-methods research in the context of intervention studies; and 6) furthering the Foundation’s efforts to increase the racial and ethnic diversity of grantees studying efforts to reduce inequality. About 90 participants are expected to attend the convening. Hillary Oravec and her team will plan for and administer the convening.

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