
Five New Research Grants to Build Theory and Evidence in our Focus Areas

We are proud to announce three new grants to support research on reducing inequality in youth outcomes and two new grants to support research on improving the use of research evidence in policy and practice.

Approved at the Foundation’s spring board meeting, these grants will build theory and empirical evidence in our two focus areas.

The next deadline to submit a letter of inquiry for a research grant in either of our focus areas is August 1, 2019, 3:00 p.m. EST. The online application portal will open on June 6, 2019. Sign up for the Foundation’s mailing list to stay up-to-date on all funding opportunities and announcements.

Research Grants: Reducing Inequality

Does Subsidized Public Health Insurance for Parents Improve Children’s Human Capital and Close Achievement Gaps?
Did the state-level expansion of Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act improve academic outcomes for low-income children?

Anuj Gangopadhyaya, Health Policy Center, Urban Institute; Jeffery C. Schiman, Dept. of Economics, Georgia Southern University
4/1/2019–3/31/2021, $131,701

Educator Practices in Immigrant-serving Schools: Responses to Shifting Immigration Policies across Contexts of Reception
How do public school educators respond to rapidly-changing immigration policies to better serve immigrant-origin students?

Rebecca Lowenhaupt, Dept. of Educational Leadership and Higher Education, Boston College; Dafney Blanca Dabach, Dept. of Curriculum and Instruction, University of Washington; Ariana Mangual Figueroa, Dept. of Learning and Teaching, Rutgers University; Roberto G. Gonzalez, Dept. of Education, Harvard University
6/1/2019–5/31/2021, $574,488

The Effect of Requiring Structured English Immersion Training for General Education Teachers on Student Achievement
Does a state policy requiring general education teachers to receive training in working with English learners improve academic achievement?

Marcus Winters, Dept. of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, Boston University; Yasuko Kanno, Dept. of Language and Literacy Education, Boston University; Nathan D. Jones, Department of Special Education, Boston University
4/1/2019–3/31/2021, $157,510

Research Grants: Improving the Use of Research Evidence

How Much Can Evidence from National Studies Improve Local Policy Decisions that Affect Youth?
What is the potential for local decision makers to improve youth outcomes by adopting programs that have yielded positive effects in other sites?

Elizabeth Stuart, Dept. of Mental Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health; Robert Olsen and Stephen H. Bell, Westat
4/1/2019–3/31/2022, $595,785

Active Surveillance of Policy Ecosystems and Networks to Enhance Brokering of Research Evidence into State Policymaking
Can a knowledge brokering intervention improve the use of research evidence in state policymaking?

Itzhak Yanovitzky, Rutgers School of Communication and Information; Cynthia Blitz, Rutgers Graduate School of Education; Brian Chu, Rutgers Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology; Matthew Weber, Hubbard School of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Minnesota; Ashley Koning, Rutgers Eagleton Institute of Politics
7/1/2019–6/30/2022, $955,012

Read more about funding criteria, eligibility, required documents, and applying online for research grants in both of the Foundation’s focus areas:

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