
LinkNYC College Awareness Curriculum

This grant will support the creation of a college awareness curriculum to bolster Young Audiences New York’s (YANY) career program for young people in underserved neighborhoods.

Young Audiences wants to improve LinkNYC, its after-school career awareness program for youth in grades 10–12 that focuses on digital media. LinkNYC participants receive 80 hours of hands-on digital media training from teaching artists, visits to local media companies, and small-group mentoring opportunities with industry professionals. Despite success in exposing students to potential careers in digital media, LinkNYC does not currently include a component to support participants in applying to and enrolling in college. Young Audiences wants to add a college awareness curriculum to its LinkNYC programming, which would enable students to participate in 12 college awareness workshops focusing on options after high school, paths to and benefits of college, how to identify strengths and interests, and support for applying for admission and financial aid. The organization will partner with the Leadership Program to implement the improvement plan, including developing the curriculum, running the workshops, and training the teaching artists.

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