
Ten New Research Grants to Build Theory and Evidence in our Focus Areas, Summer 2018

We are proud to announce ten new grants to support research on reducing inequality in youth outcomes and improving the use of research evidence in decisions that affect young people.

Approved at the Foundation’s spring and summer board meetings, these grants will build theory and empirical evidence in our focus areas.

The online application for research grants is now open. The next deadline for letters of inquiry is August 1, 2018, 3:00 p.m. EST. Sign up for the Foundation’s mailing list to stay up-to-date on all funding opportunities and announcements.

Research Grants: Reducing Inequality

Implementing State-Level Policy Reform to Eliminate School Discipline Disparities: A Mixed-Methods Examination
Can a state-level policy initiative that targets school discipline disparities on the basis of race reduce inequality in student outcomes?

Jessika Bottiani and Catherine Bradshaw, Curry School of Education, University of Virginia
4/1/2018-3/31/2021, $150,403

Crossroads: Reducing Inequality and Promoting Positive Youth Development by Understanding Juvenile Justice Processing
Does diverting first time youth offenders from the court system have long-term benefits as they transition to adulthood?

Elizabeth Cauffman, Dept. of Psychology and Social Behavior, University of California, Irvine; Laurence Steinberg, Dept. of Psychology, Temple University; and Paul Frick, Dept. of Psychology, Louisiana State University A&M
7/1/2018–6/30/2020, $598,937

Effects of Legal Status Change (DACA) on Individuals, within Families, and Across Local Ecosystems
How do recent national and local immigration policies influence the educational and labor market outcomes for undocumented youth?

Robert Smith, Sociology Dept., Baruch College, Marxe School of Public and International Affairs, and Graduate Center, CUNY
11/1/2018–10/31/2021, $599,999

An Investigation of the Language Demands in Standards, Assessments, and Curricular Materials for English Learners
How can college and career-ready standards, curriculum, and assessments be aligned to improve educational outcomes for English learner students?

Mikyung Wolf, Center for English Language Learning and Assessment Research, Educational Testing Service, and Alison Bailey, Dept. of Education, University of California, Los Angeles
10/1/2018–9/30/2021, $580,485

Do School-based Health Services Reduce Academic and Behavioral Inequalities among Youth?
Do school-based health services and screening mandates improve academic and socio-behavioral outcomes among low-income youth?

Michel Boudreaux, Dept. of Health Services Administration, School of Public Health, University of Maryland, and Brandy Lipton, Health Management and Policy, Graduate School of Public Health, San Diego State University
9/1/2018–8/31/2021, $282,879

Expanding the National Evaluation of the LEAP Initiative
What are the costs of implementing programs that improve the educational and employment outcomes of low-income youth transitioning out of foster care or justice systems?

Patrice Cromwell and Jeffrey Poirier, Strategic Initiative, Annie E. Casey Foundation, and John Martinez and Louisa Treskon, MDRC
6/1/2018–5/31/2019, $250,000

Trauma Responsive Educational Practices: CPS-TREP Project Collaborative
Can a school-wide intervention reduce the effects of trauma on the socio-emotional and academic outcomes of students in low-income communities with high rates of violence?

Micere Keels, Dept. of Comparative Human Development, University of Chicago, and Shanette Porter, Consortium on School Research, University of Chicago
8/1/2018–7/31/2021, $597,128

Research Grants: Improving the Use of Research Evidence

Impact and Optimization of the Research-to-Policy Collaboration Model: Testing an Approach to Improve the Use of Evidence
Can structured collaboration between researchers and policymakers improve federal legislators’ use of research pertaining to children and families?

Daniel Crowley and Taylor Scott, Human Development and Family Studies, Pennsylvania State University; Kathryn Oliver, Department of Evidence-Based Social Intervention and Policy Evaluation, University of Oxford; and Lauren Supplee, Early Childhood Development Research, Child Trends
3/1/2018–2/28/2020, $553,028

From Add-on to Add-in Approaches to Supporting Research Use: The Case of Educational Leadership for Equity
How can school district leaders redesign their work processes t0 improve the district’s use of research evidence?

Meredith Honig and Lydia Rainey, Educational Policy Organizations and Leadership, University of Washington
9/1/2018–8/31/2020, $600,000

Building the Evidence that Research Evidence Matters

Can a professional development intervention increase child welfare agencies’ use of evidence and improve permanency for children in foster care?

Fred Wulczyn and Lily Alpert, Center for State Child Welfare, Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago
7/1/2018–6/30/2022, $305,656

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