
Travel Awards to the RC28 Princeton University Meeting for Underrepresented Student Populations

This award will support ten travel awards to enable graduate students of color enrolled in Ph.D. programs in U.S. universities to attend the Research Committee in Social Stratification and Mobility (RC28) meeting at Princeton University in August 2019.

The RC28 meeting focuses on sociological research on social inequality, and this year’s meeting will focus on the theme “social inequality and social mobility in comparative perspective.” Funds from this grant will be used to support ten travel awards of up to $1,000 each, enabling graduate students of color in sociology and other social science disciplines who are pursuing research on social inequality to attend the meeting. To be eligible for an award, applicants must have an undergraduate degree from a U.S. college or university. Awardees will be selected upon the basis of an essay, curriculum vitae, and recommendation letter. Applications will be reviewed by a committee of Princeton University faculty and three graduate students of color. These awards will help to strengthen the pipeline of researchers of color studying ways to reduce inequality in the United States. The Foundation previously supported ten travel awards for graduate students of color to attend the RC28 meeting at Columbia University in August 2017.

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