We are proud to announce five new research grants, including four to support studies on reducing inequality in youth outcomes and one to support a study on improving the use of research evidence. Approved at the Foundation’s March Board meeting, these grants will build theory and empirical evidence in our two focus areas.
Research Grants: Reducing Inequality
Policies and Programs to Reduce Intergenerational Child Poverty
What programs and policies can effectively interrupt the intergenerational transmission of poverty?
Suzanne Miller Le Menestrel, National Academy of Sciences
9/1/2021–2/29/2024, $150,000
A Mixed-Method Evaluation of the Impact of Social Risk Screening on Uptake of Social Assistance
Does foregoing social risk screening during pediatric visits increase uptake of social services among low-income families?
Danielle Cullen and David Rubin, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Dept. of Pediatrics PolicyLab
4/1/2021–3/31/2024, $534,000
Tribes and Families: Fulfilling the Dual Promise of Indian Child Welfare Reform
Do laws and policies that enhance the sovereignty of tribal governments reduce family separation through the child welfare system?
Frank Edwards, Rutgers-Newark, School of Criminal Justice, and Theresa Rocha Beardall, Virginia Tech, Dept. of Sociology
9/1/2021–8/31/2024, $518,546
Using a Facilitated Collaborative to Build Racial Equity in Higher Education Institutions
How can post-secondary institutions implement organizational change to better support Black and Latinx students?
Shazia Miller and Rachel Carly Feldman, NORC, University of Chicago, Dept. of Education and Child Development, Johanna S. Quinn, Fordham University, Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology
9/1/2021–8/31/2024, $518,546
Research Grants: Improving the Use of Research Evidence
Optimization of the RPC Model: Enhancing Effectiveness and Equity in Improving the Use of Research
Can the Research-to-Policy Collaboration model be improved to reduce inequities for scholars of color in accessing policymakers, improve the timeliness of research to policymakers, and improve cost-effectiveness?
D. Max Crowley and Jennifer Taylor Scott, Pennsylvania State University, Dept. of Human Development & Family Studies, Denisa Gandara, Southern Methodist University, Dept. of Education Policy & Leadership
4/1/2021–3/31/2024, $900,000