
Champions for America’s Future

Foundation funds will be used to launch a new CSA organization comprised of retired and active professional athletes and coaches from various sports. These professional athletes will be advocates for research-informed youth programs.

The Council for a Strong America (CSA) enlists non-traditional leaders to advocate for child and youth policy at the federal and state levels. CSA is comprised of four member organizations, which recruit different groups of leaders to be spokespeople on these issues. The organizations include Fight Crime: Invest in Kids (which includes police chiefs, sheriffs, prosecutors, attorneys general and crime survivors), America’s Edge (which includes business leaders), Mission Readiness (which includes retired admirals and generals), and Shepherding the Next Generation (which includes moderate pastors). These organizations and their 6,300 members have conducted hundreds of in-person briefings drawing on research to influence bipartisan federal policymakers, organized thousands of meetings with key state leaders, and appeared in media campaigns.

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