
Field Notes: Supporting Practitioners to Research, Document and Disseminate Promising Practices

This grant will support the Youth Development Institute to partner with two Youth Service Improvement Grant grantees to research, document, and publish lessons learned as a result of their Foundation awards.

The Youth Development Institute (YDI) provides technical assistance to grantees from the Foundation’s Youth Service Improvement Grants (YSIG) program, which supports community-based organizations as they improve their services to New York City youth. YDI has provided capacity-building support through onsite coaching and learning community meetings for more than 50 YSIG grantees. Areas covered include strategic and outcome-based planning, curriculum development, and evaluation. YDI will provide coaching and stipends for staff from the two organizations. The resulting publication will be posted on both the Foundation’s and YDI’s websites as well as disseminated to YDI’s network of 1,000 practitioners, funders and policymakers. It will also be published in appropriate journals and presented at national conferences. This grant is the Foundation’s first effort to share lessons from the YSIG program. The process will allow the grantees to publish what they have learned and contribute to the growth of their field.

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