
Learning about Research Evidence Use in Education

This grant will support the American Youth Policy Forum’s efforts to strengthen connections between research, policy, and practice to benefit youth.

The American Youth Policy Forum (AYPF) will partner with the William T. Grant Foundation to strengthen the connections between research grantees and a range of policymakers and practitioners in the fields of education and workforce development. In addition to developing digital publications and webinars, AYPF will organize live events including policy forums and discussion groups to improve the use of research evidence in education, focusing on the valuable roles of intermediaries and research–practice partnerships. AYPF will also organize a Capitol Hill forum and webinar on reducing inequality in postsecondary education and workforce outcomes for young people in the era of “college for all.” Lastly, AYPF will organize a cooperative meeting with researchers and leaders from OECD countries that will focus on reducing inequality in achievement gaps.

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