- 2024 Application Guidelines (Updated March 2024)
- June 2024 Webinar: An Overview of the Institutional Challenge Grant Program and How to Apply”
- Annotated Excerpts from a Plan for Institutional Change: Cornell University and the Cornell Cooperative Extension-Tompkins County (CCE)
- Annotated Excerpts from a Plan for Institutional Change: University of Delaware and the Delaware State Department of Education (DDOE)
- Annotated Excerpts from a Plan for Institutional Change: Northeastern University and the City of Boston’s Office of Youth Engagement and Employment (OYEO)
- Annotated Excerpts from a Research Plan: University of California – Santa Cruz and United Way Santa Cruz County
- Annotated Excerpts from a Research Plan: University of Toronto and Puerto Rico Department of Education
- Community-engaged research to reduce inequality: The Institutional Challenge Grant
- Interview with an Institutional Challenge Grantee: How can you support community-engaged scholarship within an academic discipline?

Institutional Challenge Grant
Applicant Resources
Applicant Guidance
Research-Practice Partnerships
Reducing Inequality
Applicant Resources
Applicant Guidance
Research-Practice Partnerships
Research-Practice Partnerships in Education: The State of the Field expands on the 2013 white paper Research-Practice Partnerships: A Strategy for Leveraging Research for Educational Improvement in School Districts by scanning the current landscape of partnerships, identifying points of variation, and outlining …

Reducing Inequality
These resources are geared toward applicants of the Foundation’s research grants on reducing inequality, but may also be helpful to Institutional Challenge Grant applicants as they develop research agendas.
Digest, Issue 5: Winter 2019-20
To begin shifting the underlying structures of inequality, scholars can harness the power of rigorous research to produce innovative, ground-breaking research that might further upend the narratives that inequality is inevitable or explained by individual differences.