
Reducing Harm of Discrimination among Diverse Adolescents with LGBTQ Parents: How do Family, Peers, and Community Matter

What practices reduce the harmful effects of discrimination experienced by racially and economically diverse adolescents with LGBTQ parents?

Rachel Farr will examine how racial and LGBTQ discrimination influence adolescents’ outcomes, as well as whether the influence differs depending on socioeconomic or adoption status. Using a mixed-methods approach that involves qualitative interviews and analyses of survey and census data, she will identify whether certain parenting practices, peer relationships, and community climates may buffer the negative consequences of discrimination among adolescents with multiple marginalized identities. Farr will deepen her expertise on adolescence, as well as expand her methods and statistical skills through mentoring relationships with professor of psychology Christia Brown. Professor of counseling psychology Sherry Rostosky will provide guidance on qualitative methods and studying discrimination, LGBTQ parent families, and adolescence.

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