
Setting-level Norms for Prosocial Problem-solving among Middle-school Students

This work focuses on analyzing a measure of classroom and school norms for prosocial interpersonal problem-solving.

The data come from the Center for Disease Control’s Multi-site School Violence Prevention Project. This norms measure will be created and used to address the following questions: (1) To what extent are characteristics of norms for prosocial problem-solving school-level phenomena versus simply classroom-level phenomena? What is the reliability of these measures at the school level? (2) How consistent are these school-level characteristics over time? (3) What are the cross-sectional relations between norms for prosocial problem-solving and aggression, social competence, and academic achievement? (4) What are the relations between these norms for prosocial problem-solving and change in aggression, social competence, and academic achievement?

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