The University of Colorado Boulder School of Education and the Denver Public Schools will partner to reduce racial achievement gaps by improving teacher quality.
The University of Toronto and the Puerto Rico Department of Education will partner to produce and use evidence to improve school performance for youth in Puerto Rico.
This award will support the attendance of graduate students and early-career researchers at a one-day American Educational Research Association (AERA) preconference on diversity, equity, and inclusion in education research.
This award will support the Association for Education Finance and Policy (AEF), a professional organization for researchers studying education policy, in their efforts to connect their members to education policymakers and practitioners.
New research has the potential not only to shape the school finance debate in years ahead, but improve policies and ultimately reduce inequalities in student opportunities and outcomes.
Many research-practice partnerships begin when two initially unaffiliated partner organizations decide to pursue collaborative work. Having formed a partnership between our respective offices within a federal agency, our experience is ...
When well executed, research-practice partnerships can be powerful mechanisms for producing relevant and useful knowledge and facilitating its integration into policy and practice to improve youth outcomes. But without taking ...
The William T. Grant Foundation invests in high-quality research focused on reducing inequality in youth outcomes and improving the use of research evidence in decisions that affect young people in the United States.