
Building Capacity and Bridging Research, Practice and Policy

The grant will support the Forum for Youth Investment’s capacity-building activities to strengthen the research community’s connections with practitioners and policymakers and mentoring for junior researchers.

An important component of the William T. Grant Foundation’s grantmaking strategy is to create opportunities for researchers, policymakers, and funders to gather for focused periods of learning, technical assistance, and support. In the coming year, the Forum’s staff will facilitate a mentoring and career development workshop for William T. Grant Scholars and other early- to mid-career grantees. In addition, they will organize a convening on studying the use of research evidence for grantees and staff from our Foundation, the National Institute of Justice, the Institute of Education Sciences, and others. To extend the Forum and the Foundation’s efforts to improve mentoring for junior researchers of color, the two organizations will collaborate to update the guide “Pay It Forward: Guidance for Mentoring Junior Scholars” and write a companion piece, “Moving It Forward,” on institutional mechanisms to support mentoring relationships.

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