
Young Women Leaders: An Investigation of Mentoring Groups as Developmental Settings for Middle School Girls

How do mentoring groups foster improved one-on-one mentoring relationships and youth outcomes?

How do mentoring groups foster improved one-on-one mentoring relationships and youth outcomes? Youth mentoring programs have grown in popularity in recent years. Most agree that it is important to learn how to make such programs stronger. The Young Women Leaders Program (YWLP) is an established mentoring program that combines one-on-one mentoring with structured group experiences for adolescent girls and their mentors. Mentors and mentees are paired when the adolescent female mentees are in the 7th grade. These pairs meet at least four hours per month. In addition, groups consisting of 10 mentoring dyads and a facilitator meet for two hours a week. This new grant will allow Deutsch and Lawrence to add a substantial qualitative component to the ongoing random assignment evaluation of YWLP that is being funded by the Department of Education. This grant will provide information about the usefulness of adding group work to a one-to-one mentoring program.

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