
Pathways to Success for Junior and Mid-Career Faculty of Color

The Society for Research in Child Development’s (SRCD) Asian, Latino, and Black Caucuses and the Ethnic and Racial Issues Committee are co-sponsoring a mentoring event, “Pathways to Success for Junior and Mid-Career Faculty of Color,” at SRCD’s 2013 Biennial Meeting.

Foundation funds will support the preconference and its goals, which is to provide mentoring, information, and resources to aid junior and mid-career faculty of color in planning their careers and understanding how to achieve their goals. The meeting will run with separate tracks to meet the needs of junior and mid-career faculty at different stages in their careers. Junior faculty of color will receive more intensive guidance and mentorship to help them achieve tenure, and mid-career faculty of color will receive guidance on rising to full professor and reaching the highest levels of leadership in their fields. Invited panelists are distinguished scholars of color who have careers at universities as well as at research funding organizations.

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