This grant will support the revitalization and continuation of the Use of Research Evidence (URE) Methods Repository, a database which houses research methods pertaining to the URE field.
This grant will support the Children’s Defense Fund in organizing a Capitol Hill Forum on evidence-based strategies to address the mental health crisis among American adolescents.
This grant supports the launch and engagement activities for Next Generation Evidence: Strategies for More Equitable Social Impact, a book highlighting the importance of engaged research.
This grant will strengthen the partnership between Santa Clara University, the Latino Education Advancement Foundation, and The Foundation for Hispanic Education.
This grant will strengthen the partnership between Washington University in St. Louis, the Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater St. Louis, Greater St. Louis Foundation. , and the Fathers and Families Support Center.
This grant supports a series of policy briefings by First Focus on Children, a bipartisan advocacy organization working to center children in federal policy and budget decisions.
Immigration and U.S. Public Schools As U.S. schools grow more diverse, districts across the country have initiated racial equity plans to create inclusive environments for all students. I ...
The William T. Grant Foundation invests in high-quality research focused on reducing inequality in youth outcomes and improving the use of research evidence in decisions that affect young people in the United States.