Recent Grants

This grant will enable the Society for Research in Child Development to establish Child Policy Connect, a program to improve evidence-based policymaking by building reliable and trusted relationships between researchers and policymakers in the United States.
This grant will strengthen the partnership between the University of Delaware and the Delaware Department of Education.
This grant will strengthen the partnership between the University of Tennessee-Knoxville and Cherokee Health Systems
Does using a multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) process with varying levels of support improve decision-makers’ use of research evidence as they allocate opioid settlement funds to benefit youth?
This grant will provide continued core operating support for the Research Alliance for New York City Schools, support the Alliance’s efforts to center equity and racial justice in their work, and leverage their partnerships to improve the use …
Can technology help engage families in examining and redrawing school attendance boundaries to foster more economically integrated schools?
Does high dosage tutoring at scale reduce academic inequalities by race, ethnicity, and economic standing?

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