Racial educational disparities have been persistent over time, and recent evidence shows test score gaps were exacerbated by the pandemic. To address these disparities, educators often turn to Hattie’s List of Effect Sizes, a meta-analysis that synthesizes over 95,000 studies to rank effective programs, policies, and practices to improve student achievement. This ubiquitous tool, however, does not consider whom practices work for, or whether Black and Latinx students are best served by the most effective practices. Because the U.S. education system was designed for and continues to center and privilege White educators and students, practices that work well for White students may be less effective or even detrimental for Black and Latinx students due to racial bias. Kho and colleagues propose to bring a critical race lens to bear on this synthesis to ask what educational practices are most effective for improving the achievement of Black and Latinx students. The team will code the original 95,000 studies in Hattie’s List that include at least 40% Black and Latinx students in their sample. They will conduct a series of meta-analyses by design, rigor, and quality of the original studies, as well as a series of meta-regressions to examine how effect estimates vary by race and context. The team will then conduct interviews with Black and Latinx researchers and practitioners to guide the interpretation of quantitative results and understand how results might inform practice. Findings from this study will yield a list of effective educational practices, programs, and policies to improve the achievement of Black and Latinx students, which will be shared in academic outlets and through an extensive network of policy and practitioner organizations and school districts.
What educational programs, practices, and policies are most influential for raising student achievement among Black and Latinx students in the United States?