
Reducing Child Poverty

How can the United States reduce child poverty by half in 10 years?

Living in poverty has negative effects on a number of youth outcomes, including academic achievement, employment, physical and emotional health, and risk behaviors. But evidence suggests that some anti-poverty measures benefit children, including recent policies that have dramatically reduced child poverty rates in both Canada and the United Kingdom. In this study, an interdisciplinary committee of researchers and practitioners appointed by the Board on Children, Youth, and Families of the National Academy of Sciences will examine the costs of child poverty in the United States and the effectiveness of current federal, state, local, and international efforts aimed at reducing poverty. The committee will examine anti-poverty policies and programs such as universal child care and family leave, cash transfers, food and nutrition assistance, and housing programs, in addition to analyzing a broad set of factors that influence poverty rates, including family income, language and immigration status, and neighborhood. Ultimately, the committee will prepare a report of key findings intended for policymakers, government and non-government funders, research organizations, advocacy groups, and parents and families.

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