
Race and Social Justice in Youth Mentoring

With this Fellowship, Bernadette Sanchez aims to understand how program development, staff training, and implementation of mentoring programs can be more responsive to staff, mentor, and youth needs when serving youth of color.

Sanchez is a professor of community psychology at DePaul University who is widely recognized for her research on race, culture, and youth mentoring. She has contributed review articles to two volumes of the Handbook for Youth Mentoring, has received support from both federal and private funders, serves on the Research Board of the National Mentoring Resource Center, and is the Associate Editor of the Chronicle of Evidence-Based Mentoring. In 2014 she received the Ethnic Minority Mentoring Award from the Society for Community Research and Action. In addition to her accomplishments as a scholar and mentor, Sanchez is called upon frequently to translate research and inform efforts to design mentoring programs for youth of color. Through her Fellowship, Sanchez aims to understand how program development, staff training, and implementation of mentoring programs can be more responsive to staff, mentor, and youth needs when serving youth of color. To gain stronger understanding of the settings that shape youth-mentor interactions, Sanchez will immerse herself in two local programs: an organization that provides technical assistance statewide, and a national organization that distills research to develop curriculum and policy.

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