
Using Research to Inform the Policy Process to Enhance the Quality of After-School Programs

The purpose of this grant is to support the American Youth Policy Forum (AYPF) in their continued efforts to provide research-based information on quality after-school programs to policymakers.

The purpose of this grant is to support the American Youth Policy Forum (AYPF) in their continued efforts to provide research-based information on quality after-school programs to policymakers. While after-school programs continue to grow in popularity, and more and more policymakers are supportive of after-school programs, many are focused on increasing the quantity of programs available with little attention paid to the quality of the offerings. AYPF’s goal is to help policymakers become more aware and better informed about what structures, policies, and practices are necessary to ensure high-quality after-school programs, primarily for older, vulnerable youth. To accomplish this, the grantees will organize speaker forums and discussion groups for policymakers and disseminate policy recommendations developed by the after-school field. A field trip will also be arranged for policymakers to see high-quality after-school programs first-hand and better understand the policies that support them.

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