
Centering Equity and Improving Evidence Use in NYC’s Education Ecosystem

This grant will provide continued core operating support for the Research Alliance for New York City Schools, support the Alliance’s efforts to center equity and racial justice in their work, and leverage their partnerships to improve the use of evidence and its impact on NYC’s education system.

The Research Alliance for New York City Schools is a research-practice partnership that aims to improve the use of evidence in the city’s education system, advance evidence-based policy and practice responses to the challenges that the school district faces, and, ultimately, achieve improved outcomes for New York City public school students. Over the next three years, the Alliance will continue its efforts to build and sustain relationships with evidence users in the New York City Department of Education, with a focus on equity and racial justice. They will do this by critically assessing data, engaging students and community members in the design and interpretation of studies and their findings, and creating greater diversity within their own team. The Alliance will also expand their partnership to more fully include students, families, and communities in both the production and use of research evidence, extend its data archive, and bolster its strategic communication efforts.

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