
Studying Hungry

This award will support production of a documentary film, tentatively titled Studying Hungry, which will explore solutions to the issue of food insecurity on college campuses.

As financial aid has not kept pace with rising tuition costs, many college students in the U.S. have difficulty affording necessary expenses, such as food. Exacerbating this problem, students are also often unable to meet the work requirements for government assistance through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Journalist Soledad O’Brien proposes to produce a documentary film that focuses on promising solutions to food insecurity on college campuses. The film will document the lived experiences of students at Montclair State University and Lehman College and highlight the research of Foundation grantees Sara Goldrick-Rab and Daphne Hernandez, which centers on responses to food insecurity on college campuses.

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