This grant will support a series of activities led by Caitlin Farrell and Paula Arce-Trigatti to share resources and nurture best practices for current grantees working in research-practice partnerships (RPPs). The Foundation previously funded Farrell and Arce-Trigatti, through their work with the National Center for Research in Policy and Practice and the National Network for Education Research-Practice Partnerships, to update the RPP Health and Effectiveness Framework and to develop a related Toolkit, a set of resources to help RPP members gauge the effectiveness of their partnership. The newly approved project includes several activities to build and sustain a knowledge-sharing community around RPPs, such as: 1) writing a blog post to launch the updated RPP Health and Effectiveness Framework and Toolkit; 2) hosting Learning Arcs (a tailored webinar and in-person workshop) for Institutional Challenge Grant and Reducing Inequality grantees; 3) and sharing reflections, lessons learned, and outcomes from the Learning Arcs in a culminating blog post.