The Youth Service Capacity-Building Grants program supports activities to strengthen the organizational infrastructure of small nonprofit organizations in the five boroughs of New York City that provide direct services to young people ages 5 to 25. These grants provide general operating support so that nonprofits with operating budgets between $250,000 and $1 million can determine the best way to address capacity-building needs that have been identified through a formal or informal assessment. The long- term goal of the YSCG program is to help build stronger, more stable youth-serving organizations that tackle inequality in youth outcomes.
In this webinar, hosted on July 12, 2023, Grants Administrator Selina Lee and Senior Vice President Kim DuMont discuss the background and goals of the program and provide an overview of eligibility details, required materials, and review criteria. Selina and Kim also field questions from attendees and share practical advice on how to prepare a competitive application.