This grant will provide an additional five years of funding to the Reducing Inequality Network, which supports sociology and social work doctoral students from underrepresented backgrounds whose research focuses on reducing inequality.
This grant will enable the Society for Research in Child Development to establish Child Policy Connect, a program to improve evidence-based policymaking by building reliable and trusted relationships between researchers and policymakers in the United States.
This grant will provide continued core operating support for the Research Alliance for New York City Schools, support the Alliance’s efforts to center equity and racial justice in their work, and leverage their partnerships to improve the use of ...
This grant will support the Children’s Defense Fund in organizing a Capitol Hill Forum on evidence-based strategies to address the mental health crisis among American adolescents.
This grant supports the launch and engagement activities for Next Generation Evidence: Strategies for More Equitable Social Impact, a book highlighting the importance of engaged research.
The grant will support National Public Radio’s (NPR) continuing coverage of trends and developments that affect children and youth in the United States.
The American Sociological Association will pilot a structured process for engaging sociology departments and relevant institutional administrators at three institutions in a review of their promotion and tenure criteria.
The purpose of this grant is to build a new narrative and ultimately contribute to a social movement that counterbalances the current wave of hostility to antiracist education.
This grant will provide funds to plan a comprehensive evaluation of Nexus for Equity and Opportunity Nationwide (NEON), an initiative of the Community Foundation Opportunity Network (CFON).
The Education Trust will partner with Jean Grossman and Matthew Kraft to tackle two pressing policy issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic: unfinished instruction and recession-induced layoffs.
The William T. Grant Foundation invests in high-quality research focused on reducing inequality in youth outcomes and improving the use of research evidence in decisions that affect young people in the United States.